Saturday, January 22, 2011

ULTRA VOGUE for women by Design House of Prince Parfums

The Ultra Vogue by prince perfumes for women is a newly launched perfume for 2011.  This eau de parfum spray has captivating notes.  I sampled it in during its pre-launch in December 2010.  The scent reminded me of a youthful fresh clean crisp with a touch of fruity floral note.  The design house also claims it contains some mild musk and freesia which I did smell after the initial dry down of this perfume.  I got a few compliments the first day I wore it.  It made me feel young & attractive. :O)   I have since seen it be carried some malles and outlet perfume stores in the New York area.  I think this perfume will prove to be successful best part is it is still kept a secret because they company has chosen not to sell to department stores and mainstream market.  I googled their company name and found you can also get it exclusively on their website at